Sunset Bowl
May 11, 2017
May 10, 2017



Logo treatment, catalog design, web graphics

Envirovogue is a national fundraising company, mostly working with schools to sell totes for fundraising. They came to us for cohesive branding and catalog design.

  • brand identity
logo treatment

We developed a type treatment for EnviroVogue’s tag line that played off their logo, further developing their brand image.

catalog design layout

Our first design for their catalog was relied entirely on original illustration.

catalog design

Our second catalog design punched things up a bit with a professional photoshoot and lots of white with bright color accents. Catch also helped with some of the bag patterns.

catalog designcatalog design

EnviroVogue asked us to create graphics for their website that would amplify the brand image we developed for them. The project involved creating main page graphics, banners and buttons.