TAM Noodle Box Branding
May 22, 2017
Smith Barney
May 20, 2017



Logo, stationery system, brochure, annual report, web

WPHP hired us to redesign their logo that had become outdated and felt sad. They did not want a dramatic departure from the original concept. We chose cheerful blue tones and a more open positive symbol that indicates vitality, growth, and new beginnings. We also create a brochure design and annual report design for them each year.

  • brand identity
Logo Design by Catch Studio
Print Design by Catch Studio

Using forms culled from the logo design we created a professional, yet interesting stationary system.

Business Card Design by Catch Studio

Each year we have created a new brochure design and annual report using the logo elements and bright, hopeful, forward looking graphics.

Reunion Brochure Design by Catch Studio

WPHP’s new website was created in wordpress for easy updating and utilizes responsive design.